Are you feeling Sick and Tired All the Time..Nowadays.?
Here’s why everyone seems to be sick and tired all the time…
Have you noticed that everyone seems to be tired, anxious, and just a little bit sick these days? People complain of headaches. Brain fog. Insomnia.Anxiety and depression have hit record rates…
As well as autoimmune disease and obesity! This can’t be normal… and yet, it seems to be affecting all of us. What’s happening? Why is this suddenly so common? The answer might be in your hand right now… or right in front of you
Electromagnetic radiation from the modern devices we rely on. EMFs have been proven to cause stress on a cellular level… affecting your health, mood, and hormones.
And today, we are surrounded by unprecedented levels 24/7. Your wifi router, cell phone, laptop, microwave oven… 5G satellites and towers…We weren’t meant to live with all of this, as handy as it all is.
Big Tech makes billions of dollars off their devices… and powerful lobbyists have spent millions of dollars making sure that you don’t hear about the dangers of EMF radiation.
In other countries, measures are being taken to protect people from exposure… For example, WiFi is banned in nursery schools in France to protect children.
In the U.S., however, the government stopped funding research on the dangers of electromagnetic fields in the 1990s… Why? Maybe they think that what we don’t know can’t hurt us… But the truth is, it CAN… and it IS.
Here’s the deal: our bodies run on delicate electrical signals. But man-made EMFs interrupt those signals and cause stress on a cellular level.
The research is clear: long-term EMF exposure damages pretty much everything over time – brain, skin, hormones, DNA, and immunity. One study even linked spending just 17 minutes per day on your phone over the course of 10 years with a 60% increase in brain cancer! And with 5G, it’s only getting worse. No wonder rates of insomnia, dementia, obesity, anxiety, depression, and even cancer keep climbing as wireless tech explodes!
So… since EMFs are everywhere and are affecting your health, what do you do about it? In today’s world, giving up electronics is really not an option. But there ARE ways to protect yourself and your family from the ever-increasing exposure we’re subjected to daily:
There is a new technology, developed in Japan and designed to look like an ordinary piece of jewelry. But inside, a layer of tourmaline (along with 36 other minerals) forms a “shield” of negative ions…
Which helps neutralize the electromagnetic fields around you, allowing your body’s own electrical impulses to do their thing without interference. Packed with 10,000 negative ions, 36 cell minerals, and a layer of tourmaline, the pendants create a field of negative ions around you. This field neutralizes the positive ions from EMF radiation… balancing the ions and giving you an invisible “forcefield,” that protects you wherever you go!
To learn more about how EMFs affect your body and how to protect yourself, please CLICK HERE.