No One Warns Us About Wireless Danger.
BIG COMPANIES Just Want Money!
Waiting to address long-term wireless radiation exposure until health issues show up is like ignoring heart disease risk factors until sudden cardiac arrest stops you in your tracks.
Gradual internal damage to cells, nerves, and tissues leads to problems like sleep disruption, hormone imbalance, mood disturbances, brain fog, headaches, and more. Studies are even linking EMF exposure to certain cancers. Don’t be another story of "could’ve, would’ve, should’ve" that keeps scientists and doctors busy reacting to the rise of modern health issues connected to devices we use every day!
Here’s a frustrating health fact - with EMFs drenching everything indoors from our electronics and outdoors from satellites, cell towers, and wifi routers… We ought to be paying attention to the negative impact it’s having on our health. Still, NO ONE talks about how our bodies face endless assaults every minute!
At least, not in the United States. In other countries, people are being warned about EMF exposure and steps are being taken to protect them… for example, in France WiFi is banned in nursery schools and limited in elementary schools to protect kids from exposure. Powerful, wealthy lobbyists from big tech companies have had their way in America… and as a result, our government hasn’t funded research into the problem for decades.
As our world becomes increasingly tech-driven, our exposure to EMF radiation continues to increase.