Shocking Revelations: Is Your Family Under Constant Attack from 5G Towers

S Uthayakumar Biravar
3 min readJul 31, 2024


Studies show that EMF radiation emitted by power lines, electronic devices, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and even your kitchen appliances does have a negative effect on your health.

From disrupting your hormones, making you lose sleep, and even causing you to gain weight… EMFs are taking a huge toll.

In fact, just 17 minutes a day on your phone for 10 years raises your chances of certain brain cancers by 60%!

It's important to be well-informed about EMFs so that you can make the best decisions for the health and well-being of your whole family.

Like I said before, EMF radiation is not widely talked about.

Even though we are exposed to it in large amounts… over 100 million times as much as our grandparents lived with…it's not something that most people realize is a problem.

Big Telecom and Tech companies don’t want people to know the health risks that come with technology. And because EMF exposure causes such a wide array of symptoms, most people don’t connect their health problems with radiation exposure.

Headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, unexplained weight gain, brain fog, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion can all easily be blamed on “stress” or other things…

But once you know where it’s really coming from, it’s impossible to ignore.

By equipping yourself with the right information today, you could be adding +20 years to your lifespan.

In fact, you're surrounded by them right now. If you’re reading this on a screen, you’re in harm’s way! EMFs are impossible to avoid.

That feeling you get when you’ve been talking on a cell phone and your ear is hot, your phone is hot, and the side of your head feels funny? That’s because of radiation.

Even if you were to get rid of all your electronic devices, you’d still be exposed to EMF radiation through overhead power lines, buried cables, cell phone towers, and even 5g satellites that are constantly orbiting above us.

The media don’t talk about the potential health risks of EMFs

We hate to break this to you, but the media is trying to hide the health risks of EMF radiation. Why? The media is largely controlled by corporate interests. These interests do not want the public to be aware of the health risks of EMF radiation because it would hurt their bottom line.

Most of these popular electronic devices available on the market emit EMF radiation. If the media continues to highlight the dangers of EMF radiation, people will begin to think twice about using these devices. Remember, fewer users mean the sales will go down.

There are a lot of unknowns about EMFs that even the media are not aware of… BUT they are all discussed in The EMF Problem Book!

The health risks are real, and you need to be informed about them!

Don’t rely on the media to have your best interests in mind. Educate yourself on the dangers of EMF radiation and take steps to protect yourself and your family.

<< Get your Ulitimate EMF Protection >>

<< Shield Your Self from Radiation related Cancer>>

<< Protect Your Family from Harmful EMF Radiation>>

<<Protect Your Pets From the Dangers of EMF Radiation>>



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