Your Days are “Numbered”

S Uthayakumar Biravar
6 min readFeb 26, 2022


Meaning and Understanding your Birth Numbers

Everything in this universe is a numerical vibration working in a perfect synchronicity. In the 17th century, Galileo famously stated that our universe is a “grand book” written in the language of mathematics. The number 9 for an example is a universal number representing the God principle. Many things in nature have a 9 sequence.

The day has 1,440 minutes, totaling 9. The day has 86,400 seconds, which total 9. The week has 10,080 minutes, which total 9. The year has 525,600 minutes, which total 9. A circle in space is formed by 360 degrees (3 + 6 + 0 = 9), whose half is 180 degrees (1 + 8 + 0 = 9), whose half is 90 degrees (9 + 0 = 9), whose half is 45 (4 + 5 = 9), whose half is 22.5 (2 + 2 + 5 = 9), whose half is 11.25 (1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 9), to infinity. You can divide or multiply anything by 9 and the total sum remains a 9.

As we cover the different parts of an individual numerology chart, one will be able to apply the concepts or meanings to a given number. There are nine primary numbers, and nine planets representing them. The energy emitted by these numbers can be positive, negative or neutral.

Our Birth date consist of 2 numbers. The birth number and the path number. Example let's say John is born on the 27th of January 1966. His birth number is (date of birth) 2+7=9. We add the digit till we get a single digit. Path number is the total of the full date of birth. John’s birth path number will be 2+7+ 1 (January)+ 1+9+6+6 (year of birth) = 32. Adding 3+2=5, thus the birth path number for John is 5. The compound number is 32 before we reduce it to a 5. Birth number 9 and Path number 5 (9/5). Birth number rules our character and our luck. Path number creates the direction our life will go towards. Later part or later half of our life will be greatly influenced by the path number. The problem arises when the birth number and the path number are not in synchronicity. For example, 3/6 or 9/2, or 1/8, 3/6, 4/8, 7/7 (too much spirituality can imbalance the material energy). We need both spiritual and, material energies to survive on earth. But we can harmonize the energies of the birth numbers by using a suitable name. That will be discussed in later topics.

When the numbers are not in balance, we may experience the polarities within the number (the negative or positive qualities). This occurs until we learn how to balance the qualities of the number within ourselves. The definitions for primary numbers given below are the balanced expressions. Use your intuition to imagine what qualities the number would take on if it were negative or positive.

The energies behind all numbers are the planetary and the constellation. When we dive deeper into the characteristic of the stars, we can understand why the types of energies were given to them. The energy is subtle, the personalities attached to the energetic are physical representation. The stars we see in the sky, are heavenly abodes, where the angelic residents reside. We see them as very tiny, but they are huge mass capable of influencing the earth citizens. Below is a very brief meaning of numbers.

The Number Chart
The Number 1: Represents the Planet Sun or Surya
Those born on 1, 10, 19 28 of any months comes under this influence. Also, the path number will have these characteristics. Independence, adventure, initiative, originality, determination, individuality. The Sun is in the center of the universe and all other major planets are going around the Sun at a tremendous speed. Mercury: 47.87 km/s (107,082 miles per hour), Venus: 35.02 km/s (78,337 miles per hour), Earth: 29.78 km/s (66,615 miles per hour), Mars: 24.077 km/s (53,853 miles per hour), Jupiter: 13.07 km/s (29,236 miles per hour), Saturn: 9.69 km/s (21,675 miles per hour),

All planets revolve around the Sun to get its energy to float in the cosmos. In the beginning a spark from the Sun floated in the universe and slowly over a million of years planets were created. The center of all planets including earth is in molten form.

The Number 2: Represents the Moon or Chandra
Those born on 2, 11, 20, 29 of any months comes under this vibration. And those path number that adds to 2 are also influenced by this vibration.

Then light was shined upon the subject. The vibration of two is the ‘light bearer’. Its core intention is balance and PEACEMAKING, creating friendship wherever it goes. It holds such qualities as: Diplomacy, Mediation, Caution Kindness, Sensitivity, Cooperation, Emotion, Feeling, Intuition.

The Number 3: The Jupiter or Brhaspathi
Those born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month or paths that adds to 3 are under this influence. The subject began to express with great creativity. Behold the joy of living with EXPRESSION in its many forms. The principles of the number three are: Enthusiasm, Inspiration, Imagination, Words Vision, Optimism, Pleasure, Creativity, Ease, Happiness, Animation, Artistic, Cordial.

The Number 4: the Uranus or Rahu
Those born on the 4, 13, 22, 31 of any month or paths that’s adds to 4 are governed by his vibration. Now that we have creation let us put it into FORM and order. With practicality and determination, we can create order and serve. Great achievements have been accomplished from the qualities of the four, which include: Concentration, Management, Application, Conservation
Dedication, Efficiency, Organization, and follow-through.

The Number 5: the Mercury or Bhudan
Those born on 5, 14, 23 of any month or paths adding to 5 are under this influence. Now that we have accomplished, let us allow FREEDOM to prevail so that we may progress and create new enterprises. With the energy behind the five, we promote new ideas and undertakings. Rewards are to be realized through such qualities as: Expansiveness, Invention, Promotion, Variety, Adventure, Flexibility, Movement, Change

The Number 6: The Venus or Sukran
Those born on 6, 15, 24 of any month or path number adding to 6 are govern by these vibrations. Without others to love, serve, and cherish all is without purpose. Therefore, the “6” vibration brings with it the RESPONSIBILITY to restore humanity and remind all of us of the treasures within life. As six energy moves about in the world it embraces qualities such as: Beauty, Creativity, Domesticity, Healing, Morality, Passion, Harmony, Trust

The Number 7: The Neptune or Ketu
Those born on 7, 16, 25 of any months or the path number adding to 7 are under this influence. Now that I have learned how to give of myself, who and what am I really? I must have INDIVIDUALITY. Therefore, the quest for wisdom and knowledge begins. Eager to make sense of it all, the qualities of the seven are Analysis, Research, Calculation, Understanding, Perfection, the unseen spiritual nature, Intuition, Investigation, Reason, Vision, Solitude

The Number 8: The Saturn or Sani
Persons born on 8, 17, 26 of any months or their path number adding to 8 are influenced by this number. Now that I have discovered Heavenly or Spiritual elements, how do I bring it to earth? There is power behind MANIFESTATION, and I want to do what it is and what it takes to attain what I want. The eight becomes very busy managing and supervising with its sense of judgment. Behind the vibration of the eight is: Power, Authority, Capability, Organization, Efficiency, Skill, hard work

The Number 9: The Mars or Mangal, Chevvai
Persons born on 9, 18 , 27 of any month or path number adding to 9 are under the 9 vibrations. Having universal wisdom, I embrace the principles of forgiveness and COMPASSION. The nine holds the vibration of universal love. It teaches us how to accept each other. It consists of all numbers within, by having such a vast overview, the nine becomes a bridge to many qualities like: Creativity, Imagination, Benevolence, Impersonality, Intuition, Philanthropy, Emotion, Generosity, Devotion, Dedication



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